Welcome to St Peter and the Winchester Martyrs’ page for Children and Families. Here you will find an overview of ministries and events for 2023, together with information and how to contact us if you have any questions or just want to get in touch.
During Lent we have a special page to help families celebrate the season together, with parayers, suggestions, and activity sheets to print off. Click below:
The activities on this page are mainly for those aged up to 11 and their families, but if you are looking for resources or information for older children you can find those here.
Current Groups and Courses

Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Holy Spirit. If you would like to be baptised yourself or have your child baptised, then we would love to talk to you about it. For children, a member of the baptism visiting team will get in touch with you to arrange a visit. There are two preparation sessions to attend prior to the baptism. Baptisms are usually held during a Sunday Mass or in a separate baptismal service on Sunday afternoon.
For further information, please email: baptism@stpeterswinchester.org.uk
First Holy Communion
In the Eucharist, Jesus gives himself to us in an incredibly intimate way. The First Holy Communion programme is for children in school year 4 (and above), and sometimes for those in year 3 if they are ready. They will also be prepared to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. An information evening for parents is held in May each year. We offer sessions to support the parents of our First Holy Communion children as part of the programme, and we also offer classes for adults to prepare them for Holy Communion.
For further information, please email: fhc@stpeterswinchester.org.uk

Children’s Liturgy of the Word
This takes places during the 10:30am Sunday Mass at St Peter’s church and the 9:15am Sunday Mass at St Stephen’s church. Our wonderful teams of catechists lead the children in their own Liturgy of the Word, returning during the offertory for the Liturgy of the Eucharist back in the main church. The children’s lectionary is used, and the readings are unpacked at a suitable level for the children. One Sunday a month is a family Mass in the main church. We’d love to see you there!
For further information, please email: hello@stpeterswinchester.org.uk
Led Adoration for Families
Led Adoration takes place three times a year during the Advent, Lent, and Easter seasons in St Peter’s Church. Children and their families are led through a time of eucharistic adoration. This special time of prayer is a beautiful way to prepare our hearts for Christmas (Advent), Easter (Lent) and in thanksgiving (Easter). We are invited to adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, spending time in His presence; in times of silence, listening to scriptures from the Bible, singing, and reflecting we grow in love of Him and receive His love into our hearts in a deeper way. Open to all!
For further information, please email: rosanne@stpeterswinchester.org.uk

Messy Church
This is an opportunity to gather as community; it is open to anyone of any age and any stage in their faith however it is especially relevant for young children and their extended family. A session typically includes a time of welcome, followed by exploration of a biblical theme through craft activities, perhaps a song or drama, a time of prayer and finishing with a time for refreshments and socialising and some free play for younger ones. The singular aim is to give an opportunity to encounter Jesus and grow closer to Him as community. It will be held weekly at 10am – 12 noon on Tuesdays in the Pastoral Centre Hall at St Peter’s Church. Starting on Tuesday March 7th!
For further information, please email messychurch@stpeterswinchester.org.uk
Altar Serving
Our altar servers help to enhance the reverence and solemnity of Holy Mass, by assisting the priest on the sanctuary. This is a suitable ministry for anyone who wishes to deepen their love and understanding of the Mass, and who has made their First Holy Communion.
If you or your child is interested, please contact Tony Darlison: tdarlison@portsmouthdiocese.org.uk

Upcoming Groups and Courses

Living in the Spirit for Children and Praise and Worship
Coming Soon…
Mothers’ Prayers
Coming soon…