Please support us
As a parish, we aim to live out our common mission of ‘Bringing people closer to Christ in hope & joy’. To achieve this vision we need your help and support.
Commit to pray for our parish. Pray:-
- that our vision may become a reality for us and the people we serve.
- that as a people, the Lord will help us release the incredible potential He has given us and that we will flourish and blossom as a parish community.
- that we may be a place where any visitor will see that we are fully alive and brimming over with joy. That this witness of faith will enable them to encounter the God who knows them and loves them.
- that we may have the boldness and the faith to reach other to the lost and those seeking God.

The Parish needs money to operate. Just like you need an income to pay your electric, water and gas bills, the church needs money to pay its bills too. When you give you are helping the Parish care for people in our community, plus you are helping send the Gospel outwards.
If you can support the parish financially, please do. We would really appreciate it if you would consider making either a regular financial commitment or make a one-off donation. For further details, please click here
To maximise your donation, please enable us to claim Gift Aid. Download the form here
The Parish financial report for 2022-23 can be found here
Parish Engagement
‘Each one of you has received a special grace, so, like good stewards responsible for all these graces of God, put yourselves at the service of others.’
(1 Peter 4:10)
As a community, each one of us need to play our part in order to continue to grow and be fruitful. Do you have a skill or gift you could contribute to the parish? These could be administration, creativity, arts, hospitality, outreach, prayer, youth, children, evangelisation, music, or simply a willingness to help and be part of the team. If that is you, please drop us a line – we would love to hear from you and get you involved!