Collection for our Parish Priests
Where has the year gone; it can’t surely be that time again?
Christmas is one of those occasions when we are able to recognise and support Fr. Mark and Fr. Benedict for all that they do in supporting us and the whole parish. The Christmas Offerings goes directly to them. If you are able to donate something this would be wonderful, if not please offer some prayers which are equally if not more important.
To help with the Christmas Offering we would like to suggest that you can make your donation in one of the following ways
- An Envelope Marked – Clergy Christmas Offering, which can be included as part of the Sunday and/or Christmas Masses
- Using the Contactless Terminals at St Peter’s or St Stephen’s
- Transfer directly into the Parish Bank Account
Account Name – CDP St Peter & Winchester Martyrs
Sort code: 30-93-04
Account: 00890996
Reference: Christmas Offering
On behalf of Fr. Mark and Fr. Benedict, please be assured of their prayers and thank you for your very generous gift.

Fr Mark Hogan

Fr Benedict Ndikum