Welcome to our church! Wherever you are in life we want you to know that you belong here.
Welcome home
There are so many ways you can get involved in the life of our community. If you’re new, we would love it if you got in touch so that we can welcome you in person. If you’re new to the faith, why not try Alpha? If you’re a Catholic who’s thinking of coming back after a time away, we’d love to see you: contact us for a chat, or Alpha might be a good place to start. If you’ve been Catholic for a while and are new to the area or are simply wanting to deepen your faith, check out our Teams and Discipleship options. Or, just pay us a visit on Sundays: you can find our Mass times on the homepage. Join us in person or online.
A Message from our parish priest
Welcome to the Catholic parish of St. Peter and the Winchester Martyrs.
We’ve been worshipping here for centuries and we love our tradition, but we’re also inspired by the future and what God is calling us to be.
We believe God reveals beauty in the mess of our world.
We’re not a community of perfect people; we haven’t got our lives fully sorted; we have struggles and hurts – but we know that Jesus can heal our souls and bodies and restore our broken lives by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Coming closer to Jesus transforms us and gives meaning to our lives.
Jesus fills us with hope and joy as we slowly but surely learn to trust and grow in his unconditional love for us and for all people, people like you.
There’s a space for you here if you’d like to come and get to know us and Jesus a little better; a home away from home. Come and see.
Father Mark Hogan