Called and Gifted




Called and Gifted – a discernment process that helps us unlock our story, understand our gifts (charisms) and discover our unique mission.


Date: Saturday 22nd June 2024 – 9am – 5pm


Venue: St Peter’s Pastoral Centre, Jewry Street, Winchester


Each of us is created uniquely by God, in our time and place, for a purpose. When we understand and allow ourselves to be aligned with that purpose we are energised and fulfilled; and God’s love and provision is able to flow more freely exactly where it is needed, through our spiritual gifts (charisms).


Called and Gifted is a spiritual journey that helps you understand your own calling and identify the specific charisms that the Lord has given you to share with others.

Called and Gifted is firmly rooted in the Catholic Church’s teachings and Sacred Scripture.


Learn more about your spiritual gifts and unique mission in God’s plan as you are guided by a trained team.


Stage 1: The Teaching

Stage 2: The 1-1 Conversation

Stage 3: The Small Discernment Group


Come and discover more about 23 of the most common charisms of the Holy Spirit and how they can be used to bring about hope, healing and light.

There is a small charge of £50 to cover the cost of all three stages (the full cost is £120, the parish is subsidising this cost).


Dates: 22nd June, 22nd July & 21st October 2024


Testimonies: Here are a few parishioners sharing their experience of doing Called and Gifted, please click: Called-and-Gifted-Testimonies-2024


Join us and register, please click: Called-&-Gifted-2024 or ring the parish office on 01962 852804.


PLEASE NOTE: Registration closes Tuesday 11th June 2024.


God is calling you to a work of love to fill your life with purpose and joy.