This is the weekly report that goes out to parents at St Peter’s RC Primary School in Oliver’s Battery. If you want to find out more, check out the school website Home | St Peter’s Catholic Primary School, Winchester (stpetershants.co.uk) – there are contact details there
17th June 2021
At St Peter’s, it is our intent for our Geography curriculum that we should inspire in our pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people; through the form of our topics. We aim to equip pupils with knowledge about diverse places, people and resources in the environments in order to develop their understanding of the Earth’s physical and human processes.
We also want to develop children’s abilities to apply their geographical skills to enable them to confidently communicate their findings. We aim to provide children with opportunities to investigate and make enquiries as to improve their skills in collecting and analysing data, using maps, globes, aerial photographs and digital mapping to name and identify counties, continents and oceans. We want children to enjoy and love learning about geography, by gaining the knowledge and the skills needed with practical fieldwork and educational visits.

“I really like studying maps and learning about different countries.” Felix (Year 4)
“Some people love travelling the world and we get to learn about the world which is really fun; learning interesting facts which I love!” Alice (Year 4)
“I like Geography and learning about the rainforest. I learnt things I didn’t know before.” James (Year 5)
“I like Geography because I get to learn about different places.” Imogen (Year 5)
‘Geography underpins a lifelong “conversation” about the earth as the home of humankind.’ Geography Association
Best wishes
Louise Buxton (Miss)