The Parish magazine. This issue includes:-
- Two men on the moon and countless people in heaven – Father Mark Hogan explains his mission to create a culture where everyone is invited to come to the feet of Jesus.
- Father Mark blesses new tabernacle
- Walking with people after suffering a loss – Liz Slinn explains how this new team will walk with people after loss.
- Rachael’s faith a source of comfort – Tony Darlison, who is training for the Deaconate, and his wife Liz, reflect on the death of their daughter Rachael
- SVP creates strong links with India – Mark Pellegrini, the new local SVP Twinnage contact, describes its work.
- Catch up with Canon Michael Leamy – Canon Michael Leamy looks back on his time since leaving Winchester.
- Former tabernacle restored to church – Mary Alveyn writes about the history of the tabernacle in St Stephen’s.
- Parish forms a Laudato Si group – Mike Slinn and members of the parish Laudato Si group explain their aims.
- Alpha offers an amazing experience – Allegra Matunda brings an update on the parish Alpha courses.
- Forming journeys of faith and friendship – Sarah Layzell outlines the progress made in the early stages of the Acorn groups.
- Memories of meeting the Royal Family – His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh – Reminiscences by parishioner Mike Gretton.
- Pilgrimage links to two popular saints – Parish archivist John Thornhill describes an image in St Peter’s east window.
- Confirmed at Pentecost – Twenty-three candidates were confirmed by Fr Mark Hogan at St Peter’s on Pentecost Sunday.
- Should religion have a role in politics? Ian McHardy outlines plans for a second diocesan symposium, this time to be held online.
- The St Peter’s school polishcertificate – St Peter’s School head teacher Louise Buxton describes the children’s latest activities.
Previous issues of Cross Keys can be found here