Parish Monthly Prayer Sheet – April 2023

Includes a short biography of Blessed Caesar de Bus (1544-1607) [15th April] and St. Pius V (1504-1572) [30th April]; Prayer from Taizé; Prayers of Intercession for our parish; Some tweets by Pope Francis; Reflections for Easter Sunday: Born in a grave (Rex Chapman); Fresh Springs (Society of the Sacred Cross); Lord Jesus (William N. Richard and James Richardson)

Peterpost newsletter – 12th March 2023, 3rd Sunday of Lent

The Parish newsletter is produced every week on Friday. The easiest way to see it is via email. Please contact the Parish Office to be added to the list to receive it : IF YOU HAVE BEEN HAVING PROBLEMS RECEIVING THE NEWSLETTER BY EMAIL, please contact : some people – particularly those withContinue reading “Peterpost newsletter – 12th March 2023, 3rd Sunday of Lent”

Parish Monthly Prayer Sheet – February 2023

Includes a short biography of St. Colette (1381-1447) [7th February] and Blesseds Jacinta and Francisco Marto (1910-1920; 1908-1919) [20th February]; Prayer from Taizé; Prayers of Intercession for our parish; Some tweets by Pope Francis; The Witness of Four Older People from St Luke’s Gospel:- Zaccariah, Elizabeth, Simeon and Anna

Peterpost newsletter – 16th Oct 2022, 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Parish newsletter is produced every week on Friday. The easiest way to see it is via email. Please contact the Parish Office to be added to the list to receive it : IF YOU HAVE BEEN HAVING PROBLEMS RECEIVING THE NEWSLETTER BY EMAIL, please contact : some people – particularly those withContinue reading “Peterpost newsletter – 16th Oct 2022, 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time”

Parish Monthly Prayer Sheet – October 2022

Includes a short biography of St. Francis of Assisi (1182-1226) [4th October] and St. Luke [18th October]; Prayer from Taizé; Prayers of Intercession for our parish; Some tweets by Pope Francis; A Prayer to St. Francis of Assisi; and SEPARATION FROM THOSE WE LOVE by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a Taizé song for prayer and an excerpt from Joshua, 1:9

Parish Monthly Prayer Sheet – September 2022

Includes a short biography of Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta (1910-1997) [5th September] and St. John Chrysostom (d. 407) [13th September]; Prayer from Taizé; Prayers of Intercession for our parish; Some tweets by Pope Francis; and A Modern Idea of ‘The Lord is my shepherd’ by Toki Miyashina; O God- by John Baker, former Bishop of Salisbury

Parish Monthly Prayer Sheet – August 2022

Includes a short biography of St. Bernard of Clairvaux (1091-1153) [20th August] and background to the Transfiguration of the Lord [6th August]; Prayer from Taizé; Prayers of Intercession for our parish; Some tweets by Pope Francis; and A Hug (Anon), A Hug (Ann Lewin) and Bless My Sleep (Margaret Leighton)

Parish Monthly Prayer Sheet – May 2022

Includes short biographies of St. Pancras (289-304?) [12th May] and Saint John I (470–526) [18th May]; Prayer from Taizé; Prayers of Intercession for our parish; Some tweets by Pope Francis; Prayers for Our Lady (Caroline Sheridan (1779-1851)) and A Splash of Colour (Kathy Keay).