Dear Parents
Catholic Social Teaching is a collection of teachings developed by the Catholic Church on poverty and wealth, economics, social organisation and the role of the state. Each week each year group will be taking one of the themes of Catholic Social Teaching – themes that sit at the core of St Peter’s; Dignity, Solidarity, The common good, The option for the poor, Peace, Care for creation and The dignity of work and participation.
Each week a year group will share some of their knowledge on each of these themes. This week we begin with year 4 who were looking at the theme of ‘dignity’.
Emily said, ‘We were learning about how we need to treat everyone with respect and kindness and think about how we would like to be treated. We have to respect other people’s rights such as having respect and water.’
Zarah commented, ‘If someone wants to be left alone we should respect that. We should also give our old clothes we no longer want to charity so that other people can have clothes.’
‘I want to say that a home is important for someone’s dignity as everyone needs a safe and secure place to live. Inclusivity is very important,’ explained Lemuel.
Sophie suggested, ‘We can help give dignity by respecting other people’s differences.’
If you have pre-school children and like the sound of St Peter’s School then why not contact us to find out about the application process? Telephone 01962 852820 or email
Best wishes
Louise Buxton (Miss)
For further information about St Peter’s School please visit their website – click here