Discover the presence of Jesus in his church
‘The answer to the question of how Christ saves is to be found in the Sacraments.’
Archbishop Fulton Sheen
‘Sacrament’ is a very Catholic word. The seven sacraments touch all the stages of the Christian life and are some of the key ways that God is present to us in the Church. The sacraments manifest God’s love for us, from the day of our birth, throughout our lives and all the way to the hour of our death.

Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit. If you would like to be baptised yourself or have your child baptised then we would love to talk to you about it.

In the sacrament of Confirmation we receive a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We receive the gifts of the Spirit: wisdom, knowledge, right judgment, understanding, courage, piety and fear of the Lord.
Here in our parish, we prepare young Catholics in two stages for the Sacrament of Confirmation: Evangelisation and Catechesis. We also prepare adults for the Sacrament of Confirmation.
If you would like to be confirmed yourself or have your child confirmed then we would love to talk to you about it.
For more information and to sign up, please click here or email: youthstuff@stpeterswinchester.org.uk

Holy Communion
In the Eucharist, Jesus gives himself to us in an incredibly intimate way, becoming our daily bread. First Holy Communion classes are for children in school year 4 and above. We also offer sessions to support the parents of our First Holy Communion children. We also offer classes to adults to prepare them for Holy Communion.
email: fhc@stpeterswinchester.org.uk

Reconciliation (Confession)
Through this amazing sacrament, and the ministry of the priest, Jesus forgives us and we are set free again. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is normally celebrated 9:30-10:30am and 4:30pm-5:00pm every Saturday at St. Peter’s Church and by appointment. (But please always check the newsletter each week in case there are any changes, especially round Christmas and Easter.)

Anointing of the sick
The anointing of the sick is administered to give spiritual and physical strength to those suffering with illness, especially near to the time of their death. This sacrament can be administered at church, in hospital or at home. If you or one of your loved ones is seriously ill, contact us about receiving this sacrament and a priest will respond quickly to your request.
In an emergency phone this number: 01962 852804
Communion for the sick: If you are aware of anyone who is unable to get to Church or is in hospital please let us know so that they can be visited and receive Holy Communion.
All of these arrangments are currently affected by lockdown restrictions: contact us to find out what we can do for you
Contact us here

Holy Orders
This is the sacrament through which the church ordains deacons priests and bishops. If you feel called to the diaconate or priestly life try out this vocations website or make contact with one of the priests.

Through the sacrament of marriage, a man and a woman are united in such a way that they become one flesh and belong to one another. This sacrament is then a celebration of a lifelong commitment to faithful love. If you would like to be married in our church, get in touch to find out more: we run regular marriage care sessions for marriage preparation.
Currently affected by lock down restrictions – ask us what we can do for you
Through the sacrament of marriage, a man and a woman are united in such a way that they become one flesh and belong to one another. This sacrament is then a celebration of a lifelong commitment to faithful love. If you would like to be married in our church, get in touch to find out more: we run regular marriage care sessions for marriage preparation.
Ask us what we can do for you.