Will you respond to Jesus’s
call to serve as he serves us?

No matter who or where you are, God is calling you.
He’s calling you to use your gifts and talents.
You are being called to serve, to help build up our Church community and to equip it for its mission.
Throughout the Gospels, Christ is seen with people who are in pain, people who are suffering and people who are marginalised in society.
The Gospel values need to be lived out, which means helping people in need

Will you join us in our mission?
We pray that the gospel values
will be lived out in full in our parish
Pope Francis reminds us a Christian’s first duty
is to serve others, just as Jesus did.
We want our parish to become one that embraces all through a welcoming and serving attitude to everyone we meet, not only in church but throughout our daily lives.
Will you join us, to help serve others, both within the parish and outside of it?
If you would like to find out more and to discern which ministry best suits your personal situation, please contact us at outreach@stpeterswinchester.org.uk
We are pleased to support the following ministries (click on the ministry name to find out more)
To view the type of service each offers, and to see how you can become involved, click on the links below.
Care Home Visiting
Catholic Women’s League (CWL)
Christians Against Poverty (CAP)
Churches Together in Winchester (CTW)
Churches Together in Alresford (CTIA)
Covenant with the Poor (CWP)
Family Fridays
Filipino International Healthcare Community
Laudato Si
MHA Communities – Live at Home
Prison Advice Care Trust (PACT)
Southampton and Winchester Visitors Group
St Peter’s Sanctuary Welcome Hub
St Vincent de Paul (SVP)
Street Pastors
Trinity Centre
Winchester Basics Bank
Winchester Beacon
Winchester City Centre Chaplaincy
Please click here to download our brochure
Click here for a list of our current Outreach Ministries – 2024