Children’s Liturgy will resume Sunday 25th April: re-register

The weekly children’s liturgy takes place online via the Zoom platform

The sessions take place at 9:30am – 9:50am on Sundays, so you are then free to join in with the 10am livestreamed Mass afterwards.

Children’s Liturgy is taking a short break for Easter: when it resumes on 25th April it is moving to a new account SO EVERYONE WILL HAVE TO RE-REGISTER.

This is the link:

You will receive an email with individual joining link (please don’t share this with anyone) and a few safeguarding reminders.

IF YOU WOULD LIKE MORE RESOURCES FOR THE EASTER SEASON, there is a free downloadable Children’s Way of the Cross available from the Catholic Truth Society: click here to reach the page.

And, the pastoral team has prepared a marvellous list of ideas and resources – you can find it here and print it out. It begins of course with our own Fr Mark and the Mat Carriers videos… you can find the latest one in the news section of the homepage.