Synodality and a listening church
What is this synodality all about? Well, in a nutshell, the Pope is asking the laity to discern, with the aid of the Holy Spirit, what changes are needed to achieve the Church’s mission in our world. During the month of February an initial discussion will be taking place in our parish and the fruits of this will be passed to the Bishop. This discussion involves all of us in the parish-including those who feel shut out of the Church. We want to hear your views.
Please join one of our face-to-face and online discussion groups. Everybody’s vision of the future for our Church matters. You can find more information on our special section of the website – there’s a tab at the top of the homepage – where you can find a provisional list of meetings, and the questions we have been asked to look at. You can start to ponder and discern and you will be able to download materials so you can have a discussion in your family, church groups, among your friends.
We will be making sure the information here on the website is uptodate, and you can contact us at Listening@stpeterswinchester.org.uk